Image Overlays with Text
The sun/bright light filtering from the background of the picture represents the bright fire and beauty of love that this song describes. I liked the image of my cat and the flower being made brighter from the presence of the sun.
The sun/bright light filtering from the background of the picture represents the bright fire and beauty of love that this song describes. I liked the image of my cat and the flower being made brighter from the presence of the sun.
The song mentions the disillusionment of the written word and how it can fool and deceive you, and so I took a picture of a book while using a very small depth of field so as to blur out most of the words creating a sense of distrust and ambiguity in the text.
The song 'Rootless' talks about the feeling of being disconnected from the rest of the world and being a wanderer. It juxtaposes this with the concept of the tree whose sturdy strong roots keep it tied to the ground and unable to move as it pleases. Therefore I took a picture of a tree emphasizing the distinct parts of it that keep it immobile and a steady fixture.
This song begins by the singer comparing herself to a drop of water, just a small, obscure part of the world who will one day join the ocean and join the bigger overall scheme of things. I really liked the imagery behind that idea and so my picture shows the comparatively infinitesimal droplet of water dangling precariously from the edge.
While the flower I took a picture of is not the iris mentioned in the song, it still shows the deeper symbolism of being something so fragile and beautifully delicate in a world that sets out to break you.