Thursday, December 12, 2013

Assignment 2 Composition

Worm's Eye View

I think I captured the principle of design, worm's eye view, decently in each picture. Some of them were not the greatest angle and so it's not exactly obvious that is the principle I employed. My camera work is okay, my best is displayed in the picture of the frog ornament, my worst in the pictures of the paper lantern and the windowsill, which were grainy and underexposed. My editing helped a lot with improving the visual of the pictures, but still has plenty of room for improvement.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Understanding Histograms

1. What is a histogram?

A histogram is a graph that showcases the light, dark, and gray tones in a photograph, which helps decide if an image is overexpose, underexposed, or just right.

2. What happens to the visual when a histogram is skewed to the left? Right?

Skewing a histogram to the left will give a picture darker tones, and can help fix a photo that is overexposed. Skewing a histogram to the right will add lighter tones to the image, remedying an image that is underexposed. 

3. In most cases, what does a "good" histogram look like?
a. Describe your answer in words.
A "good" histogram will most likely have tones that are evenly spread out, so that the lights, darks, and grays balance each other out. 
b. Provide a visual.

4. Why is a histogram a good tool for photographers?

The histogram can help you better understand your photograph, thus helping you achieve the effect you want your image to create.