Friday, December 6, 2013

Understanding Histograms

1. What is a histogram?

A histogram is a graph that showcases the light, dark, and gray tones in a photograph, which helps decide if an image is overexpose, underexposed, or just right.

2. What happens to the visual when a histogram is skewed to the left? Right?

Skewing a histogram to the left will give a picture darker tones, and can help fix a photo that is overexposed. Skewing a histogram to the right will add lighter tones to the image, remedying an image that is underexposed. 

3. In most cases, what does a "good" histogram look like?
a. Describe your answer in words.
A "good" histogram will most likely have tones that are evenly spread out, so that the lights, darks, and grays balance each other out. 
b. Provide a visual.

4. Why is a histogram a good tool for photographers?

The histogram can help you better understand your photograph, thus helping you achieve the effect you want your image to create.

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