Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Aperture Quiz




This assignment really tested me on my knowledge of camera basics, particularly using aperture to manipulate depth of focus in a photograph. For my subject I selected a collection of books with contrasting colors in the fore and background which I used to help emphasize the depth of focus. The subject in each photograph was the middle ground which contained three books of similar shades of hot pink/red while the blurry fore and background showed books of darker shades which helped bring out the brighter colors in the middle ground.

I think one major thing I could have improved on in this project was working on the composition of the picture. 

Depth of field is great to use in photography because it helps to bring out the subject or focal point of the image and also to help better demonstrate usage of other principles of design in the picture. Depth of field is manipulated by changing the f/stop or aperture of the image, which affects how wide the opening of the camera lens is, therefore making a photo more or less blurry. 

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