Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Social Ad Proposal

I would like to focus my advertisement around a social issue that has existed for many years, but had most recently been brought to prominent attention. The issue of police brutality has existed for almost as long as the institution of police itself, and while many different demographics of the population are targeted by this abuse of power and privilege, it is fairly well known that African-Americans are far more disproportionately prejudiced against by the police and this prejudice has more often than not culminated in harmful and/or deadly situations that have been declared unfair and unjust by much of the population. Cases from a few years ago, like that of the contested death of Trayvon Martin, are even more prevalent today with the most recent deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. These two young black men were murdered brutally and without cause, although grand juries (composed almost entirely of white jury members) have chosen to not even bring charges against the white police officers responsible for their deaths.

Although I personally have not been nor do I know anyone who has been affected by this issue, I still care deeply about it, because it terrifies to me to know that I live in a country where young black men and women can be murdered without cause and not have their murderers delivered to full justice. I cannot live in a world where the deaths of those of another race are considered legal, because their murderer was white and a position of power.

People should be concerned about this issue for the same reason I am. Whether you are of African, Asian or Hispanic descent or if you are white, then you should fear for a world where the deaths of citizens are brushed under the rug in order to keep in place a corrupt institution. Police are supposed to protect people, but lately they have not been serving their purpose.

I want to create an advertisement that not only brings this issue to awareness in the general populace but also that evokes emotion, whether it be sympathy, sadness, anger, etc. that makes people want to move to take a stand. Tens of thousands of people are marching to end racial injustice in America and police brutality but the media is attempting to cover it up or give them a bad name. I want to make people realize how disgusting that is and join the cause.

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