Friday, December 19, 2014

Social Issue Ad Campaign Examples

I like this ad because of the way it tells a story with only one picture. It is speaking out against child labor, which is a very important cause to me and I think it really summarized the ethics of the issue. By putting a price tag on the child, it is showing that children who work laborious jobs for very little to no money are having a price tag put on them. The ad is arguing that no child should have to provide hard labor to be considered worth something and that they are certainly worth more than the cost of a new shirt or pants. 

This ad is really interesting to me because I like both the way the photos are taken and the concept behind the images. The effect of the makeup on the animals is a dark kind of comical, almost humorous but mostly sad. The setting of the dark cages and the painted on smiles on sad and abused animals hits home the idea that "Animals Are Not Clowns". 

I love this ad because women's rights is a very important issue for me. I like the effectiveness of placing the perpetuated ideas of what women shouldn't do or be over the woman's mouth, silencing her and forcing her to remain confined within these ideals. The photography is simple yet effective, focusing on only the woman's face and having a blunt, to the point message.

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