Monday, February 2, 2015

Ad Analysis

a. This ad is targeted towards those who are frequently surrounded by bugs.
b. It uses humor to show the effectiveness of their product.
c. Comedy
d. 'No insects left.'
e. 'Will work for food.'

a. This ad is targeted towards people who like chocolate and would want to give it to someone as a s gift.
b. People can print their own messages onto the candies.
c. Hunger. The candy makes you hungry, which makes you want to buy it.
d. 'Communication just got sweeter.'
e. The letters/words printed on the candies.

a. The target audience is people who drink alcohol and/or drive vehicles.
b. They are showing a possible future of someone who drinks and drives.
c. Fear.
d. 'Don't Drink and Drive.'
e. 'Spare parts for humans are not as original as those for cars.'

a. The target audience is girls with long, easily tangled hair.
b. They over-exaggerate the scenario by making it seem larger than life.
c. Humor.
d. 'Hair power.'
e. There is no text and copy.

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