Thursday, February 26, 2015

Questions About Art

What is a work of art?

There is no one singular definition for a work of art. Something becomes art when someone finds value or beauty in it. Art is art as long as someone thinks of it as art. To attempt to delineate art is to defeat the purpose of art. Art is a fluid concept, ever-changing and evolving.

What should an artwork provide to both the maker and the viewer? 

Art should make you feel something. If both the maker and the viewer come away from a piece, having felt love or disgust or joy then the art has achieved its purpose.

Why do people make art?

Everyone makes art for different and unique reasons which don't fall into any certain parameters. Sometimes we make art to feel something, or not to feel something, or to make others feel something. People make art because art makes us human.

Where does one encounter art?

Art can be typically found in art shows or museums or galleries but art can also be in your home or outside. Since art can be anything, art can be found anywhere.

What is the role of the artist?

The artist makes the work of art. The artist is responsible for putting their art out in the world for others to observe.

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